Working in the Cloud: Why we don’t have any IT infrastructure of our own

When founding autoscan, we had to ask ourselves the question: IT infrastructure on-site or in the Cloud? The decision was easy – and based on seven good reasons!

From the very beginning we established a clear strategy for our IT infrastructure. Its cornerstones are as follows:

  • We will not operate our own central IT infrastructure.
  • Instead, we will use a Cloud provider (in our case: Microsoft Azure).
  • If possible, we will work with Software as a Service (SaaS).

Our reasons for using the Cloud

1. Speed (or time to market)

By not establishing our own IT infrastructure, we kept the initial time and effort to a minimum. We did not have to plan, size, buy, make room for and assemble any hardware. Instead, our small business established a high-end professional infrastructure within a couple of hours – thanks to Microsoft Azure.

2. Focus on what’s important

We are (currently!) a small team with brilliant minds but limited capacities. These should be put to use where they are most needed by the company and our customers: Our time is spent on the development of autoscan and not on managing our IT infrastructure!

3. Scalability

When founding a company, sizing your hardware is difficult: What and how much do we need? And above all: What will our requirements be in the future? These questions are easily answered when moving your IT infrastructure to the Cloud – we can upgrade it with a few clicks, and it grows as we grow!

4. Compatible software

We use software products that are designed and built for the Cloud. So they are “by nature” developed to be easily accessible. They offer a lot of interfaces with other products and enable us to establish efficient and automated processes across systems.

5. Accessibility from anywhere

The software products we use are not only working well with each other – they are generally accessible from anywhere. Our team works effortlessly from their home offices with SaaS products with no VPN access or firewalls between us and our customers.

6. Always up to date

SaaS provides the newest features and improvements automatically. On the one hand that means that we do not have to concern ourselves with updates. On the other hand, small, continuous changes in products are much more convenient than large updates. We all know the feeling when EVERYTHING has changed after a huge update and no one can find anything anymore …

7. Better overview (let’s talk observability)

Systems that work together make it much easier to keep a watchful eye on them: Monitoring, tracing and data analysis are not limited by firewalls & co.!

The bottom line

The decision to move to the Cloud was definitely the right one for us. It allows us to focus on the development of our product autoscan while using a professional, flexible and high-performance infrastructure.

autoscan featured on Microsoft News!

We had the honor of being featured on Austrian Microsoft News! In the German article we talk about why we chose the cloud instead of building our own IT infrastructure on site.

Follow this link to the article!

More details about our scanner software

autoscan is the mobile workplace for your warehouse. Just scan a barcode or QR code and enjoy your work!

autoscan uses an Android app for modern handheld scanners. It automates a variety of processes along the entire process chain in your warehouse ― from incoming goods to picking, inventory count and much more!

Plus: autoscan seamlessly integrates into your ERP system, dealer management system (DMS) or warehouse management (WHM) system.

If you would like to learn more, simply contact us! You can reach us via email at Or simply book an appointment online!